The Hegwood Group Blog

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Top Misconceptions About Protesting Commercial Property Tax

Posted on July 28, 2022

Commercial Property Tax Misconceptions Commercial property tax is a collective financial concern for business owners and investors. The expense is not stable because an appraisal district can alter your tax bill from year to year.  This does not mean that your new taxable value is necessarily accurate. You have the right to protest the value […]

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Forecasting Tips for Your Commercial Property Taxes

Posted on June 28, 2022

Let’s face it! Property taxes are getting more expensive by the year. Even if you plan to protest your upcoming assessment, it’s beneficial to have a forecasting and budgeting plan in place for when it’s time to pay your commercial property taxes. Here’s a look at some of our trusted forecasting tips to help you […]

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5 Qualities to Consider When Looking for a Property Tax Consultant

Posted on May 31, 2022

While filing an appeal and saving money every tax season is appealing, the process can be complicated for an inexperienced property owner. With the right property tax consultant on your side, you can make overpaying your property taxes an issue of the past. However, not all tax consultants are of equal quality, and you’ll have […]

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What Makes a DIY Property Tax Appeal So Complex?

Posted on April 28, 2022

Commercial property tax appeals are something that all commercial property owners should attempt every tax season. The county assessor is only human. Mistakes happen, and you could be eligible for lower property tax payments in the future. Unfortunately, the property tax appeal process is much more complicated than simply filing your property tax appeal and […]

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What to Do if You’ve Missed the Property Tax Deadline?

Posted on March 28, 2022

Taxes are one of life’s unavoidable necessities, and ensuring that you pay your federal, state, and property taxes on time is all part of being a responsible member of society. However, what if life got in the way and you let the property tax deadline slip by? Are you in trouble? Is there a way […]

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Real Estate Tax Strategies to Take Advantage of in 2022

Posted on March 2, 2022

Everyone wants to save money on taxes, and one of the best ways to do so as a commercial real estate owner is to take advantage of important deductions and other tax strategies that will make next year’s tax season less stressful. Whether you are a new commercial real estate owner or an experienced taxpayer […]

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