5 Tips for Filing a Property Tax Protest

Every year property owners across Dallas receive a property tax bill. Also, every year, it always seems a little on the high-end of affordability. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take with a property tax consultant that can help you protest your property tax bill. While you may not always be able to lower the rate, following some of these tips will help you prepare for a process that can be quite satisfying.

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Get Started and Meet Deadlines

When you get your annual property tax bill, don’t always assume that the amount owed on the statement is correct. The methods that your county assessor uses to calculate your annual property tax may not take into account specific factors in your home that could be saving you money. Never be afraid to speak up and begin the process of protesting your tax.

Before filing your protest, you will need to check the property tax deadline. If you are unaware of your deadline to file for an appeal, make sure you get in touch with your county appraisal office for the correct information.

2. Look Up Your Record Card

Every property assessed in your county is linked to an appraisal record card. On these cards, you can find basic information about your property that includes:

  • Lot size,
  • Amenities,
  • And building size.

Reviewing your record card is important because sometimes that data is simply not correct and could be the result of your high bill. Obtaining the card from your county will result in a small fee, but it is always worthwhile to know as much information about your property as possible.

3. Understand Your Property Value

Whether you are contesting commercial real estate or a private residence, understanding your property’s value and how that value is assessed will help you determine if a protest is valid. In the state of Texas, value is assessed through:

  • Cost Approach,
  • Income Approach,
  • And Sales Comparison Approach.

If you don’t understand these complex equations for assessment, not to worry. Your local property tax consultants will be able to help you crunch the numbers and find out where your property value stands.

4. Before Your Property Tax Protest Have Your Evidence Collected

Aside from doing your research, you want to also gather evidence in a collection of documents that you can collect from the county appraisal office. After filing a protest, you can claim these document in person, from the county website, or ask for a mailed version of the docs. This packet will detail how the appraisal office came to the property value that it did on your bill.

5. Prepare for the Legal Process

If you are filing a protest, be prepared for an informal hearing that is a standard part of the process. Once this hearing is scheduled, you do not want to miss your date. Failure to attend can severely harm your chances of getting a reduction.

Come to the hearing with all of the information you have gathered and try to stick to the facts and be as concise as possible. Sometimes the issues can be resolved at the informal hearing and other times, it can lead to a formal hearing that is held by the Appraisal Review Board.

Hegwood Group Help You Successfully Protest Your Property Tax Bill

Don’t walk into the property tax protest process without someone on your side. The Hegwood Group is a team of property tax consultants that is experienced and prepared to help you contest a bill that you deem incorrect. Contact us today to find out more about our services and schedule a consultation.


Ad Valorem taxSales and use tax